
Dad's Day has come and gone, but this super-cool and affordable closet organizer would make a great gift for your man (or you!) any day of the year....

Keep track of your family's summertime fun—and goals—with a big super-cool list

Ate lots of paint chips as a kid? This is the blog post for you.

"Contemporary art breathes life into a historic home; it keeps things unpredictable and interesting..." A modern-art Q&A with collectors Kristin and Stan Stevens

Rosie O'Donnell as Elaine? Nicolette Sheridan as Grace? A fantastic interview with a 90s-era NBC exec that will have you aching for a good Thursday night belly laugh again...

I know, you can't believe you watched another episode of it either... But here we are, so you might as well read on

This scores our favorite and least favorite of the week, all for the same reason. Here's why...

I promised—and I mean PROMISED—myself I wasn’t going to get sucked into the swirling public toilet that is “The Bachelorette” this season....

Bookish voyeurism on the New York City subways lets us read others' reading lives, and inspire our own. Could there be a Lowcountry equivalent?

The only thing better than wearing 100% linen is sleeping on it—here's some seriously cool bedding from my design school pal Jason Evege, just in time for our balmy summer nights

A terrific new spin on nachos inspired by Rita's down at Folly Beach

Fill up your heart and walls with simple kids' artwork and large-scale pictures

For those of you who know me well, you know I have a strong love for designer purses. I don't spend a lot of money on shoes or accessories—instead, I save up for a nice handbag every few years...

Mew Designs founder and designer Megan Waldrep has added the title "writer" to her repertoire with the launch of a children’s book that she has co-authored with friend, Melissa Nelson

How long does it take to chuck the rose-colored glasses and see the cold, hard, cute, unvarnished truth about him (or her)? Move in together, then add a day, maybe two....

Meet my grandmother Yia Yia, the inspiration behind The Pattern Project, a smashing design blog that follows my love of all things patterned and printed....

Need to work a little magic on your complexion (and pocketbook?) this season? Here are three brilliant remedies you can make right in your own kitchen
