Musing on conclaves and rising smoke, metaphysics and physics, with insight from two of Charleston's keenest minds: Stephen Colbert and John Keller. Plus, global career advice for all you CofC-ers
My mom and I bought a bow knife off an Appalachian craftsman, then hit the Music Hall for the Living With Wolves documentary, successfully ending my longstanding hostility toward the creatures
Aah, YouTube. Home to millions of clips showcasing mankind at our finest. Here, "Krispy Kreme - The Baddest" dukes it out with 2008 classic "David After Dentist" for the title of Most Hilarious
For all you under-agers out there, I get it, I've been there—I've soared with fake ID success and skulked off empty-handed while upperclassmen hooted at my failure. Hey, I just wanted a beer....
The guy who clicks LIKE when your husband leaves you, the unabashed narcissists, the Toddlers & Tiaras parents... Here it is, the TOP 5 things nobody wants to see on Facebook, but already has...
Why are we showing the world our food? What UNIVERSE are we in with all the "selfies?" I emailed 20 or 30 people and asked what they consider the worst offenses. Here's the first, horrifying half:
The guys in A Fragile Tomorrow have friends in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Yet locally, the power pop stars are virtually ignored. How 'bout we all take notice? We can start with their show TOMORROW
The holidays mean different things to different folks—gifting, eating, drinking, laughing. For me, more than anything, they're a time I'm beautifully obligated to be with the family that made me.. me
Facial hair: it's big deal for we men. From Ron Jeremy's '80s-porn-star stache to Collin Farrell's not-so badass goatee scruff, there are many different styles—making choosing one a daunting task
They may have rhythm, good looks, and a magnetic personality, but I bet they don't have a refrigerator that looks like an amp. Here's this and more great gift ideas (from an award-winning blogger...)
Somehow, my mom and I went from watching Star Wars together to teaming up for nine milers... Family just has a way of nudging you to do more than you thought you could
The mischievous spirits of Charleston’s past: This one bunked with me in an old South-of-Broad Victorian for a year—smoking, throwing rocks, and generally testing the bounds of Southern decorum
Do yourself a favor and read this: Local kids, too young to drink, set to release a CD with a major record producer at the controls. Why? There's much to A Fragile Tomorrow that may surprise you...
It seems the more popular a sport gets, the more aggressive its fans become. A recent documentary has me musing: Is fan violence an inherent tendency? Or rather one fueled by a person's environ?
My mom is incredible, but she has one flaw: Airports. More specifically, the inability to operate cordially in airports (like belittling one overenthusiastic, Hawaiian shirt-wearing dad)
Don't bet on football, frat tats are sad, seniors are older not wiser, the world doesn't care if you fail out—here's my (free!) advice for incoming CofC and Citadel students this week
When Nick Collins III of Fowler's Mustache picks up his guitar again, it's going to be different than any single moment that came before it in Charleston music