
After betting that the inappropriate humor in The Book of Mormon would cause massive walkouts, Devin Grant was proved pleasantly wrong as the PAC stayed packed for the award-winning musical.

Grit-worthy Charleston events 2/13–2/14. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Treats for Your Sweet offers affordable, delicious packages sure to make any heart soar

First-time shucker Mac Kilduff unfurls the mystery of Charleston's love for oyster roasts.

Grit-worthy Charleston events 2/6–2/8. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Check out this secret North Carolina mountain getaway before it is discovered. I'm letting the cat out of the bag.

Grit-worthy events 1/30–2/1. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

"Goliath was the best thing that ever happened to David." Carla Lynne Hall

The Inaugural Charleston International Jazz Festival rocked the weekend. A little vision, a lot of hard work, and a stellar line up paid off. (Plus, it never hurts to have Quentin's dreads and Charlton's suave gravitas in the mix.)

Grit-worthy events 1/23–1/25. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Lettuce, the self-proclaimed “modern day rulers of old school funk,” and Break Science wowed the sold-out crowd at the Music Farm this past weekend.

Grit-worthy events 1/16–1/18. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Grit-worthy events 1/9–1/11. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Grit-worthy events 1/2–1/4. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Grit-worthy events 12/19–12/21. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Grit-worthy events 12/12–12/14. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

This year my band released our fourth CD. We did it all wrong. Way wrong. So, for anyone who hasn't liked my review of their music, feel free to take shots at mine.

Bear Creek Fest, which took place at the gorgeous Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park, was four days of idyllic camping and amazing music at a crazy cool venue. Check out my recap!

Cavortress Fashion Show Fundraiser!

Be thankful! Some big sloppy wind swell should fill in Sunday, fading just before Thanksgiving.