Wanted: Drybar on King Street

Chassity Evans

I will begin this post by stating that Charleston needs a Drybar. Right on King Street. It would flourish (do you hear me, Alli??). 


If you're unfamiliar with Drybar, it's pretty much a girly salon that only does blowouts. No cuts. No color. Just $35 blowouts. Just think of the pretty hair possibilities for your girl's nights, various parties, dates... As simple as hitting up Drybar beforehand.


I had been dying to try it out as I had heard a lot about them (there are currently only 14 locations but they are practically doubling that # by the end of 2012). So I contacted Drybar about putting together a little party, blogger style of course, while I was in NYC for Blogfest. Drybar took it to an awesome level and hosted us. It was all sorts of amazing- head massages, iphone docking stations, champagne... Good stuff. And the founder, Alli Webb, even showed up and joined in on the fun! That's one example of a woman with a good idea and executing it to perfection.


I really wish we all would have taken a "Before" picture! But here's the "After"! 



{Christine in hair pretty progress, and the founder, Alli and me}


It really was a fun time and everyone's hair was gorgeous. Upon our departure, we were sent off with Drybar umbrellas and the adorable Joss & Main girls (did I mention they showed up too? Such a great shopping site!) gave us gift bags that had iPhone/iPad charging batteries. Brilliant. 


So to sum it up, awesome place. We need a Drybar on King Street. Let's all Tweet and Facebook our faces off and make this happen. Oh, and in the meantime, if you travel somewhere that has one, make an appointment!


To see more about my Blogfest Trip, check it out here.