
"My nephew has HDADD, high definition, attention deficit disorder. He can barely pay attention, but when he does, it's unbelievably clear." Steven Wright

Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.

A humbling reminder of Charleston's disparity in healthy food access

Grit-worthy Charleston events 2/27–3/1. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

McKenzie Eddy's success with King Dusko came not only from her time bumping shoulders with some of hip hop's greatest, but a desire to provide a launching pad for other artists like her.

Here's the top pick from the week! Plus some eCard pics to get you inspired for a festive (rowdy, even?) long weekend

Answer: A man-made fiasco... Why none of us should be shocked that poop has started raining down in sheets (and tweets, and twerks...)