
What do this year's muddled rankings mean for your bracket? Hint: Flipping coins or ranking by best Harlem Shake might be as good a strategies as any. More on this wild, wild season...

Though you sure can't learn the definition of ironic from Alanis Morissette, I discovered Saturday night that if you listen closely, the Charleston duo Shovels & Rope can teach you a thing or two...

The musician from Fowler's Mustache who nearly lost his life last summer quietly took to the stage last night, covering Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" and reminding us to embrace the little things

Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek... the story of me, Latin dance, T-Pain's Booty Wurk, and about as much awkward Caucasian dancing as you can stand

The Manti T'eo story is weird, and yet it's currently drowning in the murky waters of Lance's arrogant mea culpa. Tim reminded us that those "dangerous" musician types may not be so bad after all

...a lot of things. The list of scandal makers in sports (and finance and Congress and so on) is growing. Sure, nobody's perfect, but I have to ask: Could rock and roll be the last noble profession?

The holiday season got off to an early, swinging start with the Charleston Jazz Orchestra's "Holiday Swing" show at the Charleston Music Hall last Wednesday. If you miss it, here's what you missed

Topic A (Tyler Boone's new release, upcoming gig, and marketing scheme) + Topic B (Will local King City Records rule our airways?) = The Big Question: What does it take for a local band to make it?

My daughter was unhappy in her 5th grade class, but was that reason enough to change her schedule? I thought so. Here's my perspective...

Nora Zelevansky dispells myths about writing, publishing, and first-timer's luck. Come meet the charming author of Semi-Charmed Life... TONIGHT!

The hazards of idolatry become apparent when a writer fumbles for words when interviewing one of her favorite writers

Bull Street Gourmet's addition to its iconic CofC hang-out shop on Bull & Smith wins in every way

To get to this music writer's lyrical roots, you gotta go back... way back, to Star Wars, Ted Nugent, and a decade's worth of stolen copies of Rolling Stone.
