
The Royal Tinfoil gets weird in the recording studio in West Ashley as the band members work on their new album. Hint: having a liquor store next door is a PLUS....

Have you ever thought about these mysterious entertainers? You can sometimes find one on King Street, between Calhoun and Market, but is it a true art form or sidewalk game of pretend? I asked one...

My hard-fought green thumb lessons—including the one about not using liquid soap for pesticide and why everyone should grow yard-long pole beans—for a "good-enough" summer garden

In this week's flurry of fashion-filled posts, one especially stood out. Take a read to learn a lesson in style--in both the posing variety, and the prose

Sleep is becoming more elusive by the day... A Cynthia Rowley soiree with Fern Mallis, modeling scouts, and loving Afriyie Poku's standing O. Plus Loren's Macintosh/Cocktail Club after-party wrap-up

The fashion-filled bootcamp continues! Here's the behind-the-scenes breakdown from yesterday—from custom fit duds from Mychael Knight to tales of the over-served at the Rarebit after party

Eudora Welty, JK Rowling, and Oscar Wilde turn heads at Fashion Week—well, kind of. Here's to stylish prose guiding striking poses, plus bold statements, good composition, and wise editing all around

This week is a bit like attending fashion boot camp... bright lights interviews, platform heel marathons, and multi-tasking manicures. Plus, style asst. Loren fills us in on late-night antics...

Prep your puppies (take care of your feet), don't overdo the booze, and know your best angle... camera angle, that is. Here are 5 tried-and-true tips for behind-the-scenes brilliance

So it wasn't the relaxing getaway we imagined (thanks to a towed car and lost keys), but our weekend trip to Greenville had some highlights—like enjoying tales told by a native and a bite of Bavaria

Musing on conclaves and rising smoke, metaphysics and physics, with insight from two of Charleston's keenest minds: Stephen Colbert and John Keller. Plus, global career advice for all you CofC-ers

Blogger E. Louise asks: Are you confident enough to cover up, to know your aesthetic strengths and play to those? Or do we need to keep letting it all hang out, like a bouncing, bodacious buffet?

With the temps set to heat up soon, let's talk about what's apropos for spring and summer. Molly of Radcliffeborough gives one look she loves and one she'd rather not see on Sullivan's

I couldn't help it, I laughed—and I laughed HARD, the way we do sometimes. Right up until the joke was on me. Here's the story of me, a military vet, and my right side view mirror....

Despite it's popularity, does a big-time beauty faux pas count as a crime against fashion? Piper thinks so. She also shows some love here for The Palmetto State's People of WalMart and Joan Rivers...

The difference here may be subtle, but according to Chas writer Frances—boy is it a biggie. Fellas: read on to see which of these looks is hot, and which is just a hot mess (plus a bonus fashion fail)

Choosing the top 10 men's looks from NYFW was tough. So tough, in fact, I couldn't neglect some left off the list. Here's the best of the many runners-up—Ralph Lauren, Carlos Campos, J.Crew, and more

Proving runners-up are often the real deal, Chas' own Idol alum Elise Testone rocked the Charleston Music Hall Valentine's night. Read on for a recap, plus when and where you can see her next

After a Saturday night full of food (I'm talking vats of oysters and an open-faced pig roast) and dancing, we scouted out two of the highlights of SEWE weekend: those swooping birds and diving dogs

Our part of the world offers a killer backdrop, and plenty of filmmaking talent. But now that South Carolina has lost its competitive film incentives, we're losing location opps right and left