Are we crazy!? Are the things we saw on the much awaited Southern Charm reality show normal for an everyday Charlestonian. Local comedian Hunter Gardner gives us the first of his weekly reviews.
The blog that made us all nod yes, yes, yes, and yes. Plus, three things we could all stand to do less of in 2014 (hint: one involves Kim K. and Kanye)...
... 'Tis my mantra for 2014. I realize I've been inundated lately with crap—that I've spent way too much time thinking about what she said, he said, and what the fox said. So here it is: My resolution
The other night, a preconception of mine was challenged: I always tip bartenders when I play a gig, but one band member I overheard strongly disagrees with that. What do you think?
Plus! With the shutdown behind us, we've got a delightfully endless supply of jokes about it for your Friday, courtesy of the late-night comics. Trust us—you need to read these today...
Taking the long road home, through Majorca's stoney countryside, gives wise and simple insights for rocky times (like that disorder's the sideshow—the amazing truth's that so many things DO work out)
And neither can we. How can a country get to the point where the spirit of our parties blinds us, and common sense is no longer a go-to for moving forward? It's not as intentional as you might think
Thought about the theory of cognitive dissonance lately? Or how about UFO cults? If not—here's your refresher. It just may be the problem behind today's accuse-and-ignore style of politics...
Food = flavored air. Taking risks = how you learn. Making mistakes = just fine. These and other life lessons from the RiverDogs' F&B director, plus a peek at what's next for The Joe's menu
In a downtown coffee shop recently, I happened on a group of Hipsters (I know, I couldn't believe it either). My study of Asher, Harmony, Blaze, their footwear, and, well... plenty more
Those of us over 35 remember a time when you bought albums—period. Problem was, one or two songs rocked, the rest of it sucked. Here are 13 albums that are good start to finish
Did Monday night's debate between Colbert Busch and Sanford fail? Have we, as a voting public—drunk on their distilled solutions—come to accept a standard of reasoning that lacks... reason?
It used to be that sitcoms like Three's Company were our go-to for hackneyed entertainment, and 6 p.m. newscasts jerked our brains back into high gear. But have the tables turned?
The guy who clicks LIKE when your husband leaves you, the unabashed narcissists, the Toddlers & Tiaras parents... Here it is, the TOP 5 things nobody wants to see on Facebook, but already has...
Writers Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain, authors of "Please Kill Me: An Uncensored Oral History Of Punk," come to West Ashley's Tin Roof Monday night. Here's my colorful chat with Legs...
A nation overtaken by radicals? I believe the majority of people don't fall into these categories, but are simply classified as such because of political affiliation. Here's a quick (fake!) experiment
AAA batteries in a meringue pie. Sweet Junior finding a wife with whom to share the holidays. The image of a “rotund little shorty” chomping on a turkey leg. What about Renae’s post DIDN'T we love?
Now that the election's over, I need to reveal myself—to come out of the political closet. I'm an elephonktarian. Feel free to use to the term to describe yourself, too, should you feel so inclined
Sure, that extra hour of sleep last weekend was great. But with the end of daylight savings has come the end of my evening runs. In their place: the dreaded early-a.m. workout. Here's how I'm coping
There's been a lot of buzz around this year's presidential race and we're not just talking Obama and Romney. Check out some of the politically steeped brews that have made headlines this year