This morning, my mom and I had coffee together (read: perks of living with mom). Anyway, we talked about the day ahead and soon the topic of marriage equality came up.
I liked what she had to say. She started out with what I’ve heard a lot of: She said that gay or not, if you and your partner build wealth together, you are entitled to the same tax advantages that folks that are married receive.
But then she said something that I just loved. She said, “People just want to be a family. Everyone just wants to be a part of something.”
And isn’t that something we, as humans, can all relate to? The need to have a place. The need to have a family. The need to have a home where we not only have the same basic rights as others, but we are accepted and loved for who we are.
I think that in the end, we’re all on the same journey. We’re all chugging along in this life with the hope that we’ll be able to rest our heads and share dinner at the same table with the tribe of those that we love.
So, here’s to all the tribes out there. Here’s to the gay tribes and the purple tribes and the tribes like mine that are a hodgepodge of everything all rolled into one. Maybe your tribe isn’t married. Maybe it is. Either way, I sure as hell believe you should have that option.