
Cracking the hormone code for regulating stress and regaining control of your life.

Attending YALL Fest this weekend? I won't be the only 28-year-old among the teens and tweens.

It’s like there is an entire generation who listened to their parents’ warnings not to get distracted by their hormones and to keep their eyes on the prize.

Every wonder how to stay on track with your New Year's Goals and Resolutions? Ever thought about massage therapy as a Solution? You may be surprised how much it can help!

From stress relief to better brain function, there are so many reasons to practice yoga outdoors.

Artist and activist Melinda Mead Scharstein celebrates her first solo exhibit, boiled peanuts, and Trans* Love Fund, whose ladies' arm-wrestling tournament is this Thursday, December 18, at Tin Roof.

PMS, High T, Low T, HRT... TNT—commercials pound these acronyms into our brain. I know they're legit, but these maladies really just give both genders an excuse to let our hormones get the best of us

So many women have come into my practice lately sounding the alarm. But hair loss isn't a life sentence—remember my hormones/sleep/nutrition approach? Here's how it works for this too...

What's the new game of medicine? What the hell is epigenetics? What's this talk of sex stars? These questions answered, plus more on the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy, here

The sex stars—estrogen, progesterone and testosterone—get a lot of play, but the non-sex hormones are equally as crucial for vitality. Here's a list of those that'll have you feeling happy and healthy

Will supplementary hormones make you feel better? That depends on how close they come to the real thing

Increase your libido, renew your energy, sleep better—the big lesson I learned in my mid 30s that helped bring my feel-good factor back (this is Blog 1 in a series on this topic)