
When three comedians sit down and watch Southern Charm together, this is what happens. Hunter Gardner, Jeremy McLellan, and Lauren Krass have a round-table discussion about Charleston's finest.

In my interview with Venita Aspen, we cover everything from her fool­proof strategy to avoid wardrobe malfunctions, why "Coraline" is the most stylish movie ever, and 100 ways to make a sandwich.

They say to "write what you know" and when it comes to singer songwriter Martin Sexton, I'm well aware that I basically turn into a teenage girl at an NSYNC concert, and I love it.

I go to the gym for fitness. Actually, I go out of guilt and shame from the copious amount of pizza I just consumed, but DJ Broseph, he goes for an entirely different experience.

Hate New Year's resolutions? Here are some goals set by none other than beauty expert Andrew C. Petersen that will make sure your 2014 is better, brighter and absolutely beautiful.

I recently discovered an incredible new line of jewelry that's locally made and inspired by nature. If you haven't already heard of Twine and Twig, read on—it's totally amazeballs...

The lesson involved a trip to the Blind Tiger, a quick chat at the bar, and a "spilled" gin and tonic. And unfortunately, it may be the same lesson people will learn from watching Southern Charm...

Was there anything more horrific & inane than the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Answer: Yes. Me, in high school... What would you find if you took a peek at your 18-year-old self? Good? Bad? Or way ugly?

This may not be the kind of list you recite around a crowded Thanksgiving table, but that doesn't mean I can't be grateful I have them...

Plus! Don't forget it's No Shave November! See what happens when facial hair goes terribly wrong...

No Shave November—what a fun, hairy way to spread awareness about and support a serious issue. But what about those who barely need to shave every other week? Here's what the month's like for us...

Heard of it? It's a mash-up of yoga, tribal dance, hip-hop, and real-deal cardio—and I dig it. Classes have made their way east from L.A., and now it's blowin' the doors off a studio in West Ashley...

I remember when Halloween used to be a magical time for Facebook browsing (read girls in naughty Halloween costumes). But as I'm getting a little older, baby pictures are crowding out the eye candy

Plus! With the shutdown behind us, we've got a delightfully endless supply of jokes about it for your Friday, courtesy of the late-night comics. Trust us—you need to read these today...

So summer's over—time to pack up the swimsuit and stay inside? Heck no. Early fall's the perfect time to hit the water and try your hand at my newest obsession: SUP yoga. Here's why...

On a recent trip to New Orleans, I found myself navigating a veritable Wild West of pissed-off travelers. But here's why you should ALWAYS be the nice guy in a cranky customer service line

Favorite live music venue: The Pour House. Least favorite thing at Pour House: Hawaiian shirt guy petting dog with his bare feet. I'll tell you about him, Encino Man, and The Dirty Dozen Brass Band

While I have no desire to be the pond police, I don't really care to witness one of the dim-witted Aflac ducks outside my window get eaten. Welcome to my wild coyote showdown—guess who won?

Charleston Fashion Week model coordinator Joe Quinn hits the NYFW scene and gives up the goods—Lady Gaga, Courtney Love, a private viewing at the Tibi studio, run-ins with CFW alum... it's all here

So you use brushes to get a perfect makeup application, right? Well when's the last time you've washed them? Here are the how-tos for doing just that (letting you get the most out of your investment)