The debut CD from the former lead singer of The Shaniqua Brown is a departure from her former band's punk/metal reputation. Why Shovels & Rope, Gillian Welch, and Neko Case fans will get into it
"It's been 15 minutes and you haven't even gotten our drink order!" The rant heard 'round the restaurant, and why the job of a server can look a lot like Steve Irwin... wrangling snakes
Meet the director behind the short film "If You Return," featured at this year's Chas International Film Festival, and his artistic style of choice—glitch art. Plus, see the film's trailer here
Thought about the theory of cognitive dissonance lately? Or how about UFO cults? If not—here's your refresher. It just may be the problem behind today's accuse-and-ignore style of politics...
Perhaps you read my post last week crowing about my upcoming visit to the Asheville Wine + Food Festival. Don’t worry. I got mine. A rundown of the trip, the food, the drinks... and the tow trucks
We've heard from students, post-grads, and parents aplenty this week, so to round out the series, we bring you a letter from a Lowcountry teacher. Parents: here's what NOT to do this school year...
As we begin to close out our schooldays blog series, we bring you the 13 best back-to-school fails around. We promise—you'll feel better about your week after this
How to handle a psycho roommate, floods, and football—the first post in Grit's big Back-to-School blog series dishes the do's and the don'ts, quirks and cult knowledge that upperclassmen know by heart
I attended the Under The Sun Tour at the North Charleston Coliseum and realized a) the music of my youth is now considered "oldies" and b) the lead singer of Smash Mouth really sucks
Instead of turning and smashing a whiny lady's phone on the ground in the DMV the other day, I pondered our knuckle-headed knack for complaining. As they say, "Ain't nobody got time for that..."
I love this combo for running errands (in a super chic way) or even evening cocktails. And hey, it's not just for summer—I've got some hot variations that will take you right into fall...
If Real World Charleston is indeed in the works (as threatened), will the petition currently circulating the Holy City change MTV minds? Maybe don't hold your breath
Having negative people in your life can weigh heavier on you than you think. Here's how I—a gal who abhors confrontation—said goodbye to some of mine... (kitchen photo by Helene Dujardin)
Paired with a bacon & arugula salad, this is one of my favorite lunches... Here's the easy, low-carb, gluten-free recipe + random pics of last week's trip to the zoo (don't worry, they're worth it)
You've seen this sudden deluge of back-to-school ads, the "Oh, did you not hear the news? It's Fall, suckers." Ummm, no. RELAX. Here are 5 things you can do to prove it's still f*&^ing summer
Dalia Dalili spotlights the innovative local fiber artist who teaches workshops at Spacecraft Studios, toils away at Redux, and has her hands in Charleston Garment Manufactory
"When the f&%$ did feminism and one-night stands become the same thing?" That and more reader reactions to last week's blog post on today's so-called hook-up culture...