Artist and activist Melinda Mead Scharstein celebrates her first solo exhibit, boiled peanuts, and Trans* Love Fund, whose ladies' arm-wrestling tournament is this Thursday, December 18, at Tin Roof.
Activists Andrea Boyd, Alison Sher, and Sarah Swingle weigh in on what it means to be a compassionate activist, how to make an impact, and how to get started.
This year my band released our fourth CD. We did it all wrong. Way wrong. So, for anyone who hasn't liked my review of their music, feel free to take shots at mine.
Bring back the days when a duck was a duck. And lamb was a sheep and not a sheep in wolves' clothing. Now, as an avid food-label reader, I am learning that less is best!
The Charleston area is busting at the seams with amazing teachers and places to practice. YOGAPOP 3 promises to bring us all together for a night of yoga, music, and fun Will you be there?
Matisyahu is not the man you remember from a few years back. Check out how he's changed and how his music reflects his spiritual (and literal) journey.