First Day Of School, A Poem for Mom

Renae Brabham

First Day of School

 Renae Brabham 


This is the day I have dreamed of so much

 Shall it be coffee, tea or a long leisurely lunch?


 His first day of school, oh what a treasure 

The house to myself, such extreme pleasure! 


 Nothing to do, nowhere to rush I wonder, 

should I have sent his toothbrush? 


 I'll take a long bath, condition my hair

 Maybe tidy his room, while he isn't there


 This feels so good, just being alone

 Oh, look at his growth chart My, how he's grown!


 Hmmm…did I double tie his shoes?

 I bet he misses this Winnie the Pooh


 Maybe I'll go and watch TV

 Take a nap, read some Which will it be?


 That clock on the wall, it has to be broken

 It's only 12 o'clock You've got to be joking!


  I think I'll go ride

 maybe stop by the school


 Since I've got so much time

 and nothing to do