Not sure what to get your lady friend for Cupid's infamous special day for lovers? Don't pay too much at the florist. Instead, take our heartfelt advice—we know what she wants.
Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band rocked the PAC Wednesday night, and Beatlemaniac Devin Grant was there with his son, a third-generation fan of the Fab Four.
Local musicians payed tribute to Brad Cooper at The Charleston Pour House on Sunday, October 12, and Grit blogger Brandon Fish captured the heartfelt event in a moving short documentary.
In a brief examination of depression in the wake of Robin William's devastating death, Shep Rose cites parallels in the life of another tragically lost genius, David Foster Wallace.
While it may not the best example of a movie musical, the 1974 Brian DePalma film Phantom of the Paradise is great campy fun. A newly released Blu-Ray/DVD version brings the cult film to the masses.
Sometimes it takes something as simple as ducks on a pond to make you think about the meaning of life, and blogger Renae Brabham takes that journey one sunny afternoon.
Even though the coach for the American team in today's start of the World Cup has his doubts, the word "Can't" is at the top of the list that aren't in an American's vocabulary. "USA! USA! USA!"
The devil and his violin may not always have been in Georgia, sawin on a fiddle and playin it hot as Charlie Daniels sang. He may have been in Italy first.
Have you heard about the new child discipline tool approved by Belgium's parliament? It's called child euthanasia. Yep, you read that right. Here's a (sarcastic) synopsis of the new law...
Sweet Joseph it might snow in Charleston, and along with everyone's doomsday preparations and their Tweets to record it, we've picked a few hilarious "snowflakes" that stand out.
What's worse than having to run a full marathon for your bucket list? Paying $100 to run a full marathon and not finishing. This list is officially one item shorter.
Mel Washington enlisted help from Brave Baby's Wolfgang Zimmerman, Death On Two Wheels' Alex Stanley, & others to record a seriously soulful Christmas album. Hear some (& enter to win a copy!) here
Actually, don’t call it lying. It’s fiction. Entertainment. Reality. Ethical? Who cares? Lately, rewards from lying are getting greater—just ask Elan Gale or the waitress who faked a bit of bigotry...
Last week brought a deluge of tributes to the late president. Here's one more, courtesy of an old sailor I met right here in Charleston at the Yorktown. But can you trust the yarns of an old sailor?
Charleston guy Chris Cox packs up his lawnmower and heads to DC amidst the bleak government shutdown. Why? Why else? To cut the grass and watch over the Lincoln Memorial. Here's his take...
What do quinoa and handicap go-carts have in common? Well, me of course... A ridiculous food allergy story for your Tuesday, complete with phantom phone calls and a slow-mo Harlem Shuffle
Anyone with me in thinking that pets are more than playmates or something to feed? Here's a look at the animals—pigs, goats, and cows included—that have seasoned my life with love and joy