Charleston Wine and Food

2025 festival kicks off with a few changes in store for festivalgoers.

Husk Executive Chef grabs top honors at SOBEWFF ahead of CHSWF.

Euphoria, a food, wine and music festival in Greenville, South Carolina, will be in September. Although it's in Greenville, several Charleston-area chefs will participate.

Top Chefs Benefit MUSC

Charleston Fashion Icon Andrea Serrano—Charleston Shop Curator—shares the individual styles of some of this weeks culinary champions.

Here's your chance to get an in-depth, five day cooking class from one of the south's premier culinary queens. Don't miss this once in a lifetime chance at Southern Season this summer.

It's festival season here in Charleston and what better way to start that off than with a play by play of our own Wine and Food Festival. Kinsey Gidick calls the plays from start to finish.

When it rains, it pours, but no amount of inclement weather was going to stop Kinsey Gidick as she made her rounds and took her notes on this year's Charleston Wine and Food Festival.