Black Bean Co.'s known for their great salads and wraps. But what happens when they decide to throw a new dinner menu in the mix? Healthy eaters, you should flock to them ASAP because it is GOOD
Dorothy's simple gingham dress, Scarlett's fabulous green curtain frock, and Batman's sexy suit all come together to inspire at the Victoria and Albert Museum's current exhibit "Hollywood Costume"
Do yourself a favor and read this: Local kids, too young to drink, set to release a CD with a major record producer at the controls. Why? There's much to A Fragile Tomorrow that may surprise you...
It's been said lately that the color most associated with American food is beige. Beige?! Now that's just depressing. It's time to work some nutritious Roy G. Biv action into our day-to-day diets
It's exhausting, not to mention mostly unattainable (just ask all 49,500 people who Googled "perfectionism" last month!). Here are 5 tips for bagging the impossible quest
This was a plum blog for so many reasons (i.e. oh, how we love good anecdotal hilarity at Grit) but the one thing that hooked us? We'll tell you here...
Feeling like a "legit yogi," Claire tries Bikram yoga without following a single recommendation on how to prepare for the toasty experience. Here's now NOT to do it...
"Americana after a couple of drinks..." How's that for a wrap of this season's crop of haute couture A-listers? Cator's got that, plus reviews of Naeem Khan, Tawfik Mounayer, and OH so much more...
In her first post on Grit, Heavy On the Veggie's Claire O'Bryan shares her foolproof ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily eats
It's time people stop attaching their faith to political candidates. They'll build Perfectville, alright—but it's for them, their yes-men, and a few choice 21-year-old interns
With the championship heating up, just getting onto Kiawah Island can build up an appetite. Luckily, there are plenty of great places to eat once you get there. Here's a recap of a few of my favorites
When posting a blog on Grit, I'm prompted to choose a category that best suits the post. My frequent label, "Mixed Messages," has helped me define myself as an artist
Andy Griffith and his fictitious North Carolina town offer a lesson in how we ought to stop waiting, start doing, and understand what reality really is—hunting down the "good" story in our own lives
A family reunion, summer camp-style—complete with basketball, climbing walls, fishing derbies, and fireworks—serves as a good reminder of how to live year-round
Here's the real lesson in human nature from the local saga: when we witness our mortality (even through another's) and do what's right in the moment, that's when we really begin to live
Where have all the REAL foods gone? I prefer my chicken to have the svelte legs and thighs of a bridge runner, and I'll take my produce just as God intended it
Let’s slow our roll a bit and sail into the weekend. The Grit team thinks Renae’s lyrical post—sprinkled with lovely images like “the peekaboo line of fire”—is sure to do the trick